Rockaway Honeyworks/Beekeeping

There's a new honey in town, creating opportunities for local youth and community members to take part in this new beekeeping venture.

introductory photo

Students in Shore Corps, the internship program for high schoolers, are learning beekeeping at our new apiary at RISE. The bees have been busy pollinating plants along the eleven miles of coastal shoreline. We recently harvested honey from the hives to sell through our new business venture, Rockaway Honeyworks.

Purchase our honey to show your support. All sales go toward RISE's youth programs. Rockaway Honeyworks products and swag can be purchased at Rockaway Market Street @ Beach 60th every Saturday under the elevated A-train tracks or directly on our Shop.

Check out our photos and regular updates on the beekeeping RISE has been doing under the direction of Master Beekeeper Carl Flatow. Special thanks to BeeSmart Designs for donating its beekeeping products.